Abstract Submission

Abstract Format

  • Heading: max. 140 characters (spaces included)
  • 2800 characters including spaces (without authors, affiliations, and heading)


  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgement (optional)


  • Basic Mechanisms in Radiation Biophysics and DNA Repair
  • DNA Damage Response, Cell Signaling, Immune Effects
  • Translational Radiobiology, Modulation of Radiosensitivity, Biomarkers
  • Radiobiology of UV and High-LET Radiation, and Novel Modalities (e.g. Grid Therapy or Very Large Fraction Sizes as in SRS, SBRT, IORT)

Attendance will require a Conference Pass.


The Abstract deadline has been extended to Sunday, 02nd June, 11:59 PM